Waktu baca sinopsisnya di Amazon, aku dan paksu udah ilfeel duluan, "Ih kok kaya Chicklit for Desperate Housewives ya?" Tapi ternyata
genrenya masuk 'mystery' dan dapet penilaian bagus dari Goodreads readers, jadi dibeliin deh sama paksu bareng sama
The Girl on The Train yang udah kubaca duluan.
Kesan pertama setelah baca 5 chapters: SUKAAA! Dalam sehari pertama aku bisa abisin 20 chapter. It's a record since I became a working mom. Ternyata Big Little Lies ini bisa kuselesaikan dalam 3 hari.
Karakter utamanya ada 3 perempuan, kaya di The Girl On The Train, tapi
bedanya novel ini ga bikin 'gemes-jengkel' sama tokohnya. Pembentukan
karakternya juga dapet; they got flaws in adorable and natural way. Sebagai pembaca, aku bisa relate sama perasaan tokoh-tokohnya. Kekurangannya: penggunaan deskripsi yang berulang-ulang terhadap suatu karakter. Misalnya A nganggep si B 'feisty', terus ternyata C juga bilang B 'feisty'. Padahal kan bisa aja lively, gutsy, ato apaa gitu?
Interaksi para tokohnya nyindir ibu-ibu banget... judgey gitu satu sama lain, kepo tapi gengsi, cynical. Conversation-nya jail, gengges, witty, dan lebay; gaya bahasa kesukaanku! Ceritanya tentang ibu-ibu anak TK yang geng-gengan, lumayan menarik buat diriku yang 3 taon lagi jadi ibu anak TK. Jadi kebayang mungkin mirip-mirip gitu yaa... walau pastinya didramatisasi.
Settingnya juga adorable deh, aku sukaa... kota kecil di pinggir pantai utara Sydney. Trus ada cafe asoy dengan pemandangan ke laut dan sedia buku-buku bekas. Ihhh sorgaa!
Satu-satunya yang buatku agak annoying adalah adanya snippets di awal
ato ending tiap chapter, isinya komen beberapa tokoh sampingan (biasanya para ortu lain di TK tersebut) tentang
pembunuhan yang terjadi. Nah ortunya kan banyak, jadi awalnya aku agak bingung, ni penting ga sih buat dihapalin nama-namanya, apa perlu diperhatikan siapa ngomong apa? Siapa tau di situ letak clue-nya, soalnya pengarangnya niat banget. Ga cuma pembunuhnya yang dirahasiakan, korbannya juga (di awal-awal) ga dikasih tahu identitasnya. Dia juga bisa bikin pembacanya ngakak padahal novel ini kan bertema pembunuhan! Jagoan kan?
Penasaran... aku buka profilenya Liane Moriarty di Goodreads. Lucuuuk! Gini nih katanya:
About this author
Liane was born on a beautiful
November day in 1966 in Sydney. A few hours after she was born, she
smiled directly at her father through the nursery glass window, which is
remarkable, seeing as most babies can’t even focus their eyes at that
Her first word was ‘glug’. This was faithfully recorded in
the baby book kept by her mother. (As the eldest of six children, Liane
was the only one to get a baby book so she likes to refer to it often.)
a child, she loved to read, so much so that school friends would
cruelly hide their books when she came to play. She still doesn’t know
how to go to sleep at night without first reading a novel for a very
long time in a very hot bath.
She can’t remember the first story
she ever wrote, but she does remember her first publishing deal. Her
father ‘commissioned’ her to write a novel for him and paid her an
advance of $1.00. She wrote a three volume epic called, ‘The Mystery of
Dead Man’s Island’
After leaving school, Liane began a career in
advertising and marketing. She became quite corporate for a while and
wore suits and worried a lot about the size of her office. She
eventually left her position as marketing manager of a legal publishing
company to run her own (not especially successful) business called The
Little Ad Agency. After that she worked as (a more successful,
thankfully) freelance advertising copywriter, writing everything from
websites and TV commercials to the back of the Sultana Bran box.
also wrote short stories and many first chapters of novels that didn’t
go any further. The problem was that she didn’t actually believe that
real people had novels published. Then one day she found out that they
did, when her younger sister Jaclyn Moriarty called to say that her (brilliant, hilarious, award-winning) novel, Feeling Sorry for Celia was about to be published.
In a fever of sibling rivalry, Liane rushed to the computer and wrote a
children’s book called The Animal Olympics, which went on to be
enthusiastically rejected by every publisher in Australia.
calmed down and enrolled in a Masters degree at Macquarie University in
Sydney. As part of that degree, she wrote her first novel, Three Wishes.
It was accepted by the lovely people at Pan Macmillan and went on to be
published around the world. (Her latest books are published by the
equally lovely people at Penguin in both the US and the UK)
Since then she has written two more novels for adults, as well as a series of books for children.
is now a full-time author. She lives in Sydney with her husband, her
new baby daughter Anna, and her son George, who likes to sit on her lap
while she works, helpfully smashing his fist against the keyboard and
suggesting that she might prefer to be watching the Wiggles instead.
upon a time she went heli-skiing and skydiving* and scuba diving. These
days she goes to the park and ‘Gymbaroo’ and sings ‘I’m a Little Cuckoo
Clock’ at swimming lessons. She has discovered that the adrenaline
burst you experience from jumping out of a plane is remarkably similar
to the one you get when your toddler makes a run for it in a busy car
Besok-besok mau baca lagi buku-buku dari pengarang ini ah, tapi mau kuseling pengarang lain dulu. Takut keburu bosen.
Satu hal lagi yang menarik: buku ini katanya sedang dibikinkan filmnya oleh bintang-bintang kece Aussie: Nicole Kidman dan Reese Witherspoon! Plus katanya penulis skenarionya adalah David E. Kelley (penulis skenarionya Doogie Howser, LA Law, dan Ally McBeal sekaligus suaminya Michelle Pfeiffer). Hmm... siapa memerankan siapa yaa? Aku sih pinginnya sih Reese jadi Madeline, Nicole jadi Celeste. Trus Rose Byrne jadi Jane dan Hugh Jackman jadi Perry. Semoga beneran jadi difilmkan!
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